Since joining the Raise the Bar team at the start of 2018, Nindy has been a fabulous fixture at our Moorabbin clinic. With the unique claim to fame of having served as our only provisional psychologist so far it has been wonderful to watch her progress through her studies and achieve her full registration in early 2019.

We couldn’t be prouder and thought it was about time everyone else got to learn a bit more about her and why we think she’s so great.

Name: Nindy Brouwers

Job Title: Registered Psychologist

Qualifications: Bachelor of Science in Psychology and a Master of Science in Developmental Psychology

Background and Experience:

Prior to commencing her studies in psychology, Nindy spent five years volunteering to support adolescents and young adults who were dealing with trauma and complex family backgrounds. While studying her BSc in psychology, she became interested in the positive effects education can have on building resilience and protecting against adversity, as well as on developing the necessary life skills to facilitate perspective for the future and prevent stagnation.

She completed a thesis within the Curious Minds project (Talentenkracht) during her Master year, which is a government project in the Netherlands studying the effects of instructional methods on academic achievement and school engagement in primary schools. After completing her thesis, she then commenced work at a secondary school within special education services, where she specialised in the assessment of adolescents with behavioural and psychiatric disorders and provided training to educational staff.

Nindy moved to Australia after completing her studies in the Netherlands, and has since done work in pre-schools, primary schools and secondary schools to support students’ learning. In addition to her position at Raise the Bar, she works as a school counselor at a local primary school and engages in sessional university work.

Why choose psychology?

I was always interested in individual differences and curious about what motivated people, and came across a lot of situations in my life where young people missed out on appropriate support in education and care arrangements, with often quite drastic consequences. These experiences made me want to provide the support these young people had missed out on and prevent similar situations from occurring.

Favourite Quote:

“Always consider what is worth fighting for rather than what is worth fighting against.”

Favourite Book: The Harry Potter series (classic!)

Favourite Movie: Donnie Darko

Favourite Food: Cookies – I am convinced cookies should be their own food group 🙂

Hobbies: Reading and writing fiction, watching movies and Japanese anime series, hiking and photography

What do you like about working with Raise the Bar: Getting to meet diverse people and figuring out how best to support their learning and well-being

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  • Dr Kate Jacobs

    Director / Educational and Developmental Psychologist

    Dr Kate Jacobs completed a combined PhD/Masters in Educational and Developmental Psychology at Monash University in 2013. She was awarded the Mollie Holman Doctoral Medal for the best PhD thesis in the Education Faculty for the year.